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Spaces for Healing

Design Considerations for Walls & Ceilings in Healthcare Environments

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Healthcare buildings are complex spaces that incorporate high-level technology to fulfil a range of functions. Good design integrates these functional requirements with the human needs of patients, visitors and staff. Building owners, facilities managers, healthcare architects and all others involved in the design process must consider how the materials used for walls and ceilings shape the user experience, including air quality, acoustic comfort, fire safety, and even concerns about sustainability.

Spaces for healing: Design considerations for walls & ceilings in healthcare environments discusses the key design considerations for creating a healthcare facility that delivers better patient and staff outcomes, and suggests some potential wall and ceiling solutions that meet a variety of hospital design challenges. We see how building design contributes to indoor air quality, acoustic comfort and fire safety, and examine the importance of durable walls and ceilings in high-traffic spaces. We also take a look at the growing demand for sustainable materials in the healthcare sector. Finally, we highlight leading plasterboard products with performance properties that are ideal for modern healthcare spaces.

CSR Gyprock is the leading brand of plasterboard in Australia with a comprehensive range of plasterboard, compounds, cornices and associated finishing products. The company’s product range offers a selection of lightweight, high-performance building systems to meet a variety of hospital design challenges, tested and proven by CSR’s unparalleled technical support.

Download this whitepaper to learn about some of the key design considerations for modern healthcare facilities, and how they relate to the specification of wall and ceiling materials.

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Specifying Impact-Resistant Plasterboard for Commercial Applications

What, Where, When & How

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Plasterboard is a widely used construction material, providing cost-effective sound insulation, fire performance, moisture resistance and mould resistance. Currently, a significant quantity of plasterboard is utilised as interior walls in challenging heavy-use environments despite its susceptibility to damage from human contact, moving furniture, and other objects. In high-traffic spaces where extreme impact damage is a risk, such as in commercial buildings, sporting facilities and healthcare institutions, a more robust solution is required. This is why every architect, designer and specifier needs to know about impact-resistant plasterboard. 

Specifying impact-resistant plasterboard for commercial applications: What, where, when & how walks architects, designers and specifiers through the ins and outs of specifying impact-resistant plasterboard. For background, we look at the relevant building code requirements and introduce the ASTM C1629 technical standard. We then define what “impact-resistant” plasterboard is and how it may be tested before discussing its architectural benefits and potential applications. Finally, we present a new multi-function plasterboard from CSR Gyprock that has been engineered to deliver exceptional impact resistance. 

Gyprock EC08™ Extreme is an Australian made, GECA certified, high-performance plasterboard with the highest level of specifications in the EC08™ range. It has been specifically designed and tested to meet the highest standards across a broad range of performance requirements, but with a focus on superior impact resistance in three key areas: hard body impact, soft body impact and surface indentation.

Download this whitepaper and learn about impact-resistant plasterboard, including how such products are tested, when they should be used and the relevant design considerations.  

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Fire Resistance Levels for Walls and Ceiling Systems

A Specifiers Guide.  This whitepaper is produced in collaboration with Rondo.

Gyprock and Rondo White Paper - Fire Resistance Levels Thumbnail

Building fires pose a serious risk to people's lives, their property, and the economy. To see why fire-safe design requires careful attention, one just needs to consider the millions of dollars' worth of property damage brought on by the 2014 Lacrosse and 2019 Neo200 tower fires. Integral to fire safety, passive fire protection is a technique for containing a fire at its source and stopping the spread of flames and smoke throughout a building for a predetermined amount of time so occupants can escape. Under the National Construction Code (NCC), wall and ceiling assemblies are among the key areas of focus for passive fire protection design strategies.

Fire resistance levels for walls and ceiling systems: A specifier’s guide answers the essential questions of how passive protection works in the context of building design, what Fire Resistance Levels are required by the NCC, and how these requirements impact the design and specification of wall and ceiling systems. We also provide some useful design considerations and examples of wall and ceiling systems that offer high levels of fire resistance.

Gyprock™, a division of CSR Building Products, supplies a comprehensive range of high-performance products and systems for many applications to meet fire, acoustic and thermal requirements across all segments of the construction industry. Rondo is a market leading manufacturer of a wide range of wall and ceiling systems and complementary accessories.

Download this whitepaper to access valuable guidance on the NCC Fire Resistance Level requirements and how they impact the design of wall and ceiling systems.

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Specifying Plasterboard

An Introductory Guide to Gyprock Wall & Ceiling Systems for Commercial Buildings

Gyprock White Paper - Specifying Plasterboard Thumbnail

An effective choice for wall and ceiling systems, plasterboard offers several advantages to architects, designers and specifiers, including affordability, versatility and relatively low environmental impact. However, with the increasingly complex regulatory landscape, the task of juggling a myriad of performance requirements and the complex relationships between different building elements and materials is proving more challenging than ever. Fortunately, today’s manufacturers and suppliers of plasterboard in Australia not only offer a range of tailored products to meet the needs of almost any application, but also the depth of product knowledge to help you deliver high-performing, compliant and beautiful building solutions. 

Specifying plasterboard: An introductory guide to Gyprock wall and ceiling systems for commercial buildings takes you on the first step of this journey, providing an introductory guide to specifying Gyprock plasterboard and how you can bring it all together. We cover the key considerations when specifying plasterboard, from condensation control and structural design to fire resistance and levels of finishing. We then present a range of tools and resources that will help you navigate the ever-changing compliance landscape.

A division of CSR, Gyprock is proudly an Australian made and owned, leading manufacturer of gypsum-based products such as plasterboard, plaster, cornices and associated finishing materials and accessories. Gyprock supplies a comprehensive range of high-performance products and systems for many applications to meet fire, acoustic and thermal requirements across all segments of the construction industry.

Download this whitepaper to learn about the key considerations when specifying plasterboard and how leading manufacturers can help you navigate the ever-changing compliance landscape.

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Complying with the Revised AS 5216:2021 Fastener Standard

A Focus on Appendix F: Design of Post-Installed Fasteners Under Seismic Actions. This whitepaper is produced in collaboration with Rondo.

Complying with the revised AS 5216:2021 Fastener Standard Thumbnail

It is critical for professionals to understand the regulatory requirements governing the design and installation of fasteners to ensure the construction of safe and functional building structures. Superseding the 2018 edition of the fastener standard, AS 5216:2021 introduces new provisions that have significant implications for compliance across the industry. In particular, the new Appendix F introduces C2, a new and more stringent seismic performance category for fasteners in addition to the existing C1.

Complying with the Revised AS 5216 Fastener Standard provides an essential guide to Appendix F in AS 5216:2021, which sets out requirements for the design of post-installed fasteners under seismic action, and what it means for professionals in the industry. We focus on determining seismic performance categories, how they impact fastener requirements for safety-critical applications across different building types, and the differences between C1 and C2 fasteners.

Rondo, a leading provider of innovative solutions for the construction industry, is committed to helping you achieve compliance in your building projects. Whether you are building a residential or commercial project, their new range of code compliant, ETA-approved fasteners complement their existing wall and ceiling systems and are suitable for Safety Critical, Cracked Concrete, Seismic and Fire Rated Applications.

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Calculating Internal Wind Design Pressures for Steel Framed Walls & Ceilings

Key Changes to AS/NZ 1170.2:2021

Gyprock and Rondo Whitepaper Revised Wind Code cover with commercial internal office.

In Australia, all structures—without exception—must be designed to withstand internal wind pressure, which makes up a significant portion of the combined wind loads on a building. For the optimal structural design of all building types, it is essential for architects, designers and specifiers to understand the recent changes to AS/NZS 1170.2, which sets out the procedures for calculating wind speeds and resulting wind actions on buildings.

Internal Design Pressures: Key Changes to AS/NZS 1170.2:2021 is an essential guide to the recently updated AS/NZS 1170.2 and how it impacts the calculation of internal design pressures for steel-framed walls and ceilings. We outline the process for determining internal design pressures and highlight some of the important new requirements in AS/NZS 1170.2 that will impact the basic methodology, including changes to wind regions and terrain categories, the introduction of a climate change factor, and how to calculate internal pressure coefficient for buildings with dominant wall openings.

Rondo, a leading provider of innovative solutions for the construction industry, is committed to helping you achieve compliance in your building projects. With their state-of-the-art wall and ceilings systems, Rondo’s expert team can help you navigate the changes in AS/NZS 1170.2.

CSR Gyprock, the leading brand of plasterboard in Australia, can provide system solutions to ensure compliance to not only AS/NZS 1170.2 but also the wider requirements of the National Construction Code.

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Reducing Noise in Buildings

Design Considerations for Wall & Ceiling Systems

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The detrimental effects of subpar acoustic environments have been the subject of an enormous amount of research over the years. To help ensure occupant comfort and privacy, the National Construction Code contains requirements for the acoustic performance of wall and ceiling systems. Meeting these requirements goes beyond simply selecting the right acoustic materials. Sound flanking, the quality of the workmanship, caulking, the existence and treatment of penetrations, and the incorporation of bridging items and structural elements can all have an impact on the assembled system's overall performance.

Reducing Noise in Buildings: Design Considerations for Wall & Ceiling Systems explains how the right materials, products, assemblies and installation methods can help create a positive acoustic environment. Certain acoustic design strategies alter the amount, size, or properties of essential materials—for example, by adding more layers of plasterboard lining. Other approaches modify the installation, structure, or composition of the wall or ceiling assembly. In most cases, the best approach is to combine a few different strategies to achieve the acoustic performance required for the specific application.

Gyprock has developed a broad range of acoustic systems to help specifiers and builders meet acoustic requirements with confidence. A range of Gyprock's acoustic products are also suitable for use in areas where enhanced acoustic performance will improve the experience of the space. To maximise acoustic performance, these products can be used in conjunction with the Rondo QUIET STUD® Acoustic Wall System.

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Seismic Design in Australia

Are You Complying With the National Construction Code and Earthquake Standard?

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Earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or higher, such as the 1989 earthquake in Newcastle, which resulted in the tragic deaths of 13 people and saw more than 160 people injured, occur every one to two years. Considering the potential risks associated with seismic activity, all buildings need an assessment of their seismic design requirements.

Seismic Design in Australia: Are You Complying With the Earthquake Standards? provides a concise guide to seismic design requirements in Australia, helping you understand and meet your legal obligations. Every architect, designer and builder must be aware of these seismic requirements to protect life and prevent building collapse during earthquake events. While structural components are typically the focus of seismic design, it is important not to overlook non-structural components such as partition walls and suspended ceilings.

With their state-of-the-art wall and ceiling systems, CSR Gyprock and Rondo can help you navigate the seismic design requirements in AS 1170.4 and AS/NZS 2785. After the calculation of the seismic loads and completion of the wall and ceiling framing designs by Rondo, CSR Gyprock can then assist with the selection and fastener requirements of the internal linings.

Download this whitepaper to help understand the seismic design requirements in Australia and ensure you meet your legal obligations.

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Moisture Control in Commercial Building Projects

Specifying the right plasterboard solution.

Gyprock Whitepaper Moisture control in commercial building projects

Moisture-related issues are becoming more prevalent in Australian buildings, and the risk is only set to worsen given today’s focus on airtightness and passive design. It is the responsibility of architects and builders to make sure that any new construction puts measures in place to manage dampness and condensation. One of these measures includes specifying moisture-resistant materials to prevent moisture-related issues from occurring.

Moisture control in commercial building projects: Specifying the right plasterboard solution focuses on the main causes and risks associated with poor moisture control and how moisture-resistant plasterboard can address this issue in modern commercial spaces. Moisture-resistant plasterboard is specially designed to resist moisture and condensation, making it the best choice for wet and high humidity environments.

Gyprock wet area plasterboard products are manufactured with special additives to enhance the moisture resistance of their core. The additives also permeate the face and back paper of the board, delivering superior performance in wet areas and high humidity applications.

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