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International Alliance Program

While Gyprock is proud of its in-house capability it recognises that there are companies around the world at the cutting edge of technologies that can deliver value to the Australian construction industry. 

Through its International Alliance Program, Gyprock has developed exclusive relationships with leading manufacturers throughout the world such as Saint Gobain, for a small number of specialty products to meet the local industry’s needs.

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to transform the actions of business and consumers to drive a substantial increase in the sustainability of consumption. 

In 2008, Gyprock led the plasterboard market with the development of high recycled content plasterboard that received GECA accreditation. In 2011, the full range of Gyprock EC08 and Superchek products were accredited, followed by the majority of Gyprock's plasterboard lines receiving approval in 2014. In parallel, Gyprock contributed to the development of GECA’s new, 2014 Adhesives, Fillers and Sealants standard, resulting in wide-spread accreditation of Gyprock’s compounds.

Gyprock continually pushes for higher sustainability in its product range without compromising the performance standards that customers expect. Gyprock's GECA accredited products continue to meet the needs of residential and commercial green building projects.


Gypsum Board Manufacturers of Australasia (GBMA)

The Gypsum Board Manufacturers of Australasia is the industry body for plasterboard manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand. Gyprock is an active member and proudly supports its aim of advancing the development of the gypsum wallboard industry. Together the industry has developed a range of initiatives to advance safety, sustainability, installation and compliance to standards.

Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries (AWCI)

The Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries of Australia & New Zealand Inc. is a grouping of Building Industry organisations, including contractors, tradesmen, trainees, manufacturers and suppliers, established to represent the interests of members for the installation of ceiling, wall and lining sheeting, facade and cladding systems and related products.

Gyprock is proud to be a Platinum sponsor of the AWCI, helping to deliver training, business assistance, awards and events where members can share ideas and experiences and sponsors can gain valuable feedback from contractors about products and services.